Charity Showcase 2019
Our 2019 Charity Showcase was a huge success, raising £866 for Village Friends in Bognor. We had some amazing support from students, instructors, friends, family and the public.
A big thank you to our helpers!
Event Management - Angela Walker
Compere - Annie Norris, Kay Penney, Sue Thompson
Catering - Jemma Ghosh
Raffle – Pierre Hall, Beckie Anderton
Stage management - Karen Ellarby, Marie Abbott
Video & photo - Kelly Wickham
Front door - Leanne Fearns
Music - Steve Penney
A big thank you to our stallholders!
Hope and Glory – Ann Summers
Skin Beautiful / Holly Hill Therapies
Worm Craft Cards
Laburnum Centre
RPole / Pole Passion
And a special thank you to…
Amy for co-organising, choreography and overall support
Jess and Em for choreographing group routines
Pole Passion Bognor Instructors and students for supporting us all in so many ways
Bersted Park Community Centre Staff – Tony & Krystina
Dream Fitness, Laburnum Centre & Regis Gymnastics for rehearsal space
Hope Webster for collecting the most amazing raffle prizes!
And finally, to our brave and beautiful performers
About our charity...
Village Friends is a good neighbour scheme that was started more than 20 years ago to try and meet some of the needs of lonely, mainly elderly, often bereaved, and sometimes housebound people in the Six Villages area.
A small team of volunteers visit people in their homes weekly for a chat and maybe a cup of tea, on the basis of good neighbourliness. Over time true friendships have developed and the recent practice of holding social events has proved immensely successful.
Village Friends is a small charity entirely dependent on the generosity of the local communities for its funding and for its volunteers, without which so many people would be left without any form of social contact in their later years.